The West Virginia Department of Economic Development, Office of
Broadband, is leading a collaborative statewide initiative to expand
available, affordable, and reliable broadband connectivity throughout
the Mountain State.
The Office of Broadband is inviting West Virginia residents to participate in the West Virginia Broadband Survey, a statewide survey of broadband availability, affordability, and use. The survey is related to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD), and Digital Equity Programs, and will directly support West Virginia’s BEAD and Digital Equity initiatives.
The West Virginia Broadband Survey is a collaborative effort of partners
across the State, including the West Virginia Broadband Enhancement
Council, Marshall University Center for Business and Economic
Research (MU CBER), West Virginia University, StartUp West Virginia,
West Virginia Library Commission, WV Regional Planning and
Development Councils, the West Virginia Economic Development
Council, and many additional partners who share a commitment to the
expansion of broadband in West Virginia. The Statewide Broadband Survey seeks participation from all residents
of West Virginia in any zip code. The State has identified the following
zip codes as highly underserved and seek significant participation from
these areas:
While they are not our direct zipcodes in our county, they are worth sharing for those who may have families and friends with those zipcodes. Direct them to where the online version of the survey lives at: . Participants can select English or Spanish as the survey language.
Survey closes after July 30th! If you should need a paper copy, the paper version of the survey will be available at all public library branches across the State of West Virginia. Participants will be able to
select English or Spanish as the survey language.
Special thanks to the West Virginia Library Commission and all public
library branches for giving residents across the State the opportunity to
access a paper version of the survey, especially during a particularly
busy time of year.