1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

It’s never to early (or late) to begin reading to your child! We are a part of a national initiative to help make that special read aloud time easy, fun, and productive.
Who can participate? All families with children who are not yet in Kindergarten, from birth up.
How does the challenge work? All you have to do is register and then record your childs reading via our online reading platform link: http://bcplwv.readsquared.com/
Download the free ReadSquared app for easy accessibility.
Each child will gain their name on one of the library location walls upon completion of each level while also obtaining a sticker. At final completion, the child has their photo added to the wall and gains a Back-To-School bag filled with goodies to get them ready for their next chapter in life.
While supplies last, children will get an Early Literacy Kit to help
grow a reader upon registration.
Also upon completion, a child will receive a small LCD Writing Tablet Courtesy of the local PEO Chapter AB as well as a
certificate and meal from Texas Roadhouse.
(no shipping of any rewards or kits)
If you have any questions, please contact the
Director of Educational Programming @
304-737-1551 ext. 106
Information & Resources
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Website
Help Your Child Become a Reader
Brag Signs (print them out and take photos to share with your family and friends!)
Printable Reading Logs:
(let the Programs Director know you need to turn in paper logs)
Keep track of the books using your mobile device via the ReadSquared App!
Sponsorships of Items In & Associated with the Early Literacy Kit
Friends of the Brooke County Public Libraries (1,000 Books Before Kindergarten)
Reading Platform ReadSquared (West Virginia Library Commission)
United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley (Sponsors the majority of most library programs)
Dolly Parton Imagination Library (Sponsored by BCPL and many other local entities)
Donations by the Amos Family for Early Literacy Kit needs
Donations in memory of June Montgomery Booher for Early Literacy Kit needs
Community Resources for Social - Emotional Well Being Bag Within Kit
WV 529 Bag & Pamphlet
Local Brooke Hancock Family Resource Network Handouts (Family Support Centers, Parents as Teachers, etc.)
Northern Panhandle Headstart Handouts
Various other partnerships, entities & funding/donation support