Digital Library

Using your Brooke County Public Libraries card, you can access Kanopy. With an expertly curated collection of narrative and documentary films that we think that you’ll enjoy, we are pleased to bring this streaming service to our community. The eight packages are Documentaries, Kids, Series, British Cinema & TV, World Cinema, Easy Watching, Favorites, and a Diversity collection. Most smart devices that have app capabilities and computers will be able to access the App or Link to stream.

Access a large collection of eBooks, audiobooks, and Magazines.

All over the world, local libraries offer millions of ebooks and audiobooks. You can borrow them — for free, instantly — with a library card and Libby: the award-winning, much-loved app for libraries. Download this app to access our WVReads Collection. The award-winning curriculum is designed to help young children (ages 2–7+) build a strong foundation for academic success. is 100% educational, with more than 4,000 learning activities across all major subject areas-reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music. Best of all, kids love it. And it’s free to use in this library! From Age of Learning, Inc.

The West Virginia eLibrary, is an anywhere, anytime library that you can access from your home computer, school or public library, or mobile device. You can explore millions of magazine and newspaper articles, encyclopedias, eBooks, digital images, test preparation resources, scholarly journals, historical materials, career and resume help, and more.

Currently, Booklist Reader is a digital monthly publication featuring diverse readers’ advisory recommendations for readers and listeners of all ages, along with content from LibraryReads. Booklist Reader is filled with high-interest, themed lists that showcase books patrons can read and check out of their libraries now. Distributed Freely to our Patrons for a year via a grant donated to the American Library Association by the Mellon Foundation that BCPL received.

Clio is your guide to the history and culture around you. Download the free mobile application (Android and iOS) to discover nearby history.

Search the catalog, place holds, see checkouts, renew items. It does what the regular catalog does.