The Brooke County Public Libraries are seeking bids from an accounting/audit firm that compiles Financial Footnotes for the FY 7/1/23-6/30/24. It is a component of the annual audit that is completed by another firm each year. The awardee will work closely with our accounting firm in getting the necessary documents to complete the project.
Bids will be accepted until Noon on July 26, 2024, and can be hand delivered, mailed, or emailed to with a subject line of “BCPL Footnote Bid.”
An awarding bid will be announced after the July 29th Board Meeting with the hopes that footnotes can be completed before our next audit. Bids will be accepted later than that if we receive none before our deadline.
Please contact Alexandra Schneider, Library Director, with any other comments or questions.
*initial post noted Audit Financials Footnotes. We had an error in wording and it is COMPILING the Financial Statements with Footnotes