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Monthly Monday Fun Facts in Libraries

Monthly Monday Fun Facts in Libraries

Compiled & Provided with Courtesy from Center Point Large Print

Those Late Fees For Unreturned Items Can Add Up.

Libraries in larger cities can accrue millions in unpaid penalties. In 2016, the San Jose Public Library reported $6.8 million in delinquent fees, with 39 percent of members owing money. Some places will refer debts to collection agencies if a patron exceeds $10 in charges.

Then again, not all libraries institute late fees. In an attempt to get back lost books and encourage residents to visit more often, New York's public library systems announced in October 2021 that they would be eliminating all late fees- a move which subsequently boosted visitor rates and resulted in thousands of overdue or lost items being returned.

p.s. Effective September 1, 2019, the Brooke County Public Libraries elimated all late fees for books and audio books! The only fees remaining are those for electronics such as hotspots and DVDs!

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