Lone Wolf
By Gregg Hurwitz
Release Date: February 13, 2024
Ebook Available from WV Reads!
3 Stars - I'm not sure entirely if what held this book back from being great was the book or me. I've tried the Orphan X series many times in many formats and while I do like Evan and a lot of Hurwitz's writing style, these fail to enthrall me. There's a lot of action and even humor. And long time readers of the series likely have a lot to enjoy here. Evan's got a few relatives that appear and his sidekick Joey gets a lot of page time. But Joey irritated me. I had some trouble following the plot at first but the hint of AI and social media stuff wasn't bad. And the human trafficking and solo killer hunting a solo killer angles added a lot of interest. But overall the pacing just felt off to me and I found myself struggling to read quickly what should've been a fast-paced ride.