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Staff Reviews 11-8-23

It Happened One Autumn

By Lisa Kleypas

Release Date: October 13, 2009

Ebook Available from WV Reads!

3.5 Stars - I was really excited for this one after the Summer series entry started off with a bang. I think I suffered from a bit too high expectations. I still loved reading about Lillian who was headstrong but had a soft heart. Her quirky sister and friends in the Wallflower group. And of course, Westcliff, her reluctant but lovable hero.

So, I'm reading this series in a weird way, couldn't wait to finally get this one. But I've already read final book. I know a little of what happens. But not much more than anyone reading the blurbs. Lillian and I clicked in Summer. She and her sister reminded me so much of me and mine. I'm forever getting lovingly scolded by her for my attitude while she is a bit more of a romantic, tender-hearted girl. Her crazy dynamic relationship with Westcliff had plenty of sparks but I think I hoped for a little more sweet. They seemed to take positively forever to admit the obvious. Westcliff wasn't much of a rake but he certainly turned out to be a bit of a scoundrel. And in the best possible ways.

Kleypas always finds some invention or science-y aspect to throw into the story. I particularly enjoyed Lillian's interest in perfumes. It was one of the better hobbies, I thought, because it was a little more relatable and feminine than some. I felt like Lillian and Westcliff grabbed almost too strongly though at reasons they shouldn't be together. And then wouldn't let them go. By the time they're happy, chaos set in immediately. I actually thought she 'forgot' to write in a suspense plot.

Okay, SPOILERS AHEAD. I probably dropped a whole star or at least a half because of the last 15% or so. And not because it wasn't well written. It was excellent romantic suspense. It was the villain. I did not and still don't understand how Kleypas chose St. Vincent to kidnap and nearly rape Lillian. She was involved with him earlier (gross), is Westcliff's bestie (just wrong), and he's the hero of the NEXT book (um no). I won't be able to read Winter for months until I can start to forget what he did. That's a plot device that seems exclusive to period romance that just needs to die. In a contemporary romance, I don't think it ever would have ended this way.


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