The Dangerous One
By Lori Foster
Release Date: February 21, 2023
Ebook Available from WV Reads!
3.5 Stars - A really fun romantic suspense read, complete with instant chemistry, creepy bad guys, and a lot of mystery. Foster's recent McKenzies series left a lot to be desired for me. It seemed a bit aimless, combing her older work with a modernized flair. But while the Osborn series appears to follow a lot of the same lines, I enjoyed this much more. Jodi's and Hunter's pasts were a juicy unknown for most of the story, and I thought Foster really didn't need to go THAT far. But I suppose shock value isn't what it used to be. The way that these two instantly clicked though was marvelous, and it was their quirky personalities and quick connection that kept things interesting even through a slightly overlong middle section. The baddies were a bit over the top but certainly intense and intriguing. More like this one and I'll be back to automatically reading all her new releases again.